ScripTouch Sign and Save for Google Docs installation

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Revision as of 08:41, 23 May 2017 by Max Campbell (talk | contribs)
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NOTE: If you have a ProScript interface (model number ending in a 0 or 5) you will also need to install the latest version of ScripTouch OmniScript which can be found on the Scriptel Downloads page. An installation guide for OmniScript can be found here. This does not apply to EasyScript interfaces (model numbers ending in 1 or 6).

  1. Navigate to the Google Add-on Store page and click the "+FREE" button.
  2. Click on "Continue" to allow the installation.
  3. Click on "Allow" to complete the installation.
  4. Open the document you want to sign in Google Docs
  5. Click on "Add-ons" near the top of the page, then "ScripTouch Sign and Save for Google Docs", and then "Sign Document".
  6. Once the application sidebar opens click on the "Click Here to Sign" button.
  7. Sign on your signature pad now. Be sure to press "OK" once you have finished signing.
  8. Click on the "ADD SIGNATURE" button below your signature. You may also change some aspects of the signature using the options below before adding.
  9. With the signature added to your document you may now re-position, by clicking and dragging, and resize the signature, by clicking and dragging the handles along the outside of the box, if necessary.